Mikhal Ben-Joseph

Senior Data Scientist

Mikhal is a Senior Data Scientist, joining 2OS in 2023 after interning with the company the previous summer. In her time with the team, she has helped create an automated risk- and valuation-modeling pipeline, as well as contributed to a variety of student loan-related projects. With a keen eye for both statistical and policy details, her priority is providing clients with the most comprehensive and optimized solution possible.

Mikhal received her B.S. in Statistics and Analytics from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, along with a double major in Peace, War, & Defense and a minor in Political Science at Duke. During her time at UNC, she pursued her interest in statistics in subject areas as varied as healthcare/biostatistics, deep learning, and networks. She is passionate about the intersection of data, business, and the law, and plans to eventually pursue higher education at the nexus of the three.

Outside of work, Mikhal enjoys dancing, cooking, and spending time outside. She loves learning about global affairs, constitutional law, and world religions, and is eager to talk with you about any of these topics.